harry von piekartz

Research projects by Harry von Piekartz – A brief overview

1. DSC_0919

The following paper is a brief overview of the research projects of Harry von Piekartz. Most of these projects are undertaken in the motion lab of the University of Applied Science Osnabrück on Elbestraße “take a look”.



Introduction to facial training. From evidence to daily practice

Research Projects:

 1. Chronic pain, laterality and emotions recognition and motor facial expression

Chronic pain may lead to changes in the motor representation in the primary motor cortex (brain), which can alter the patient’s body pattern. It has been assumed that chronic facial pain has an indirect effect on (body) perception. This has to be distinguished from alexithymia, which is a reduced perception of emotions (and facial laterality recognition).


– Clinical research

Using an especially developed software (www.physioedu.com), laterality and emotion recognition standard tests are performed. These may be implemented into a treatment

Basic emotions are also analysed with the Face reader (special software which is based on the Action Units according to Ekman 1984). Together with other measuring instruments and validated questionnaires, the following two projects were performed.


– (Partial) project from 2013

  • Reference values of laterality and detection of emotions in children and adults were identified
  • Characteristics in facial paresis, Parkinson’s disease, kinesiofobia, chronic (facial) pain, unilateral TMD and tinnitus
  • Body expression: detection and influence on facial expression and recognition
  • Experimental pain and facial expression.
  • Development of test and treatment with Apps and other software.
  • Online intervention for chronic facial pain patients with neuroscience Education (NSE).



 Prof. Dr. Harald C. Traue

University Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine und Psychotherapy

Section Health Science

Am Hochsträß 8, 89081 Ulm


Prof. Dr. Lorimer G. Moseley

UNSW Faculty of Medicine in Sydney, Australia

CraniofacialTherapyAcademy (CRAFTA)

Researchgroup CRAFTA

Wandalenweg 14-20, 20097 Hamburg


Neuro-orthopadisch Institut (NOI)

Adelaide Australien


Scientific employee

Gesche Mohr (MSc. Cand. PT), Hochschule Osnabrück



Project financing

CRAFTA Research Gruppe

Wandalenweg 14-20, 20097 Hamburg

Research Pool Hochschule Osnabrück




  • Changes in basic emotion recognition in patients with chronic low back pain. A cross-sectional study analyzing emotion recognition and alexithymia, K. von Korn, M. Richter ,H. von Piekartz, Schmerz, 2014 Aug;28(4):391-7.
  • Emotionserkennung und Alexithymia bei Morbus Parkinson. Ein Querschnitt Studie Disselkamp K, Von Piekartz H, Mohr G. Physioscience 2014; 10: 149–155
  • People with chronic facial pain perform worse than controls at a facial emotion recognition task; but it not all about the emotion. Von Piekartz H, Wallwork S, Mohr G, Butler D, Mosley,L, Accepted in Journal of Rehabilitation , Dec 2014 /
  • Fähigkeit von Patienten mit einer peripheren Fazialisparese zu Erkennung von Emotionen – Eine Pilotstudie . KonnethV, Mohr G , von Piekartz H , Rehabilitation 2016,55:19-25
  • Ist Kinesiophobie während eines anhaltenden Schmerzzustandes mit Lateralitäts- und Emotionserkennungsveränderungen assoziiert? Eine Querschnittstudie .von Piekartz H, LuersJ,Daumeyer H, Mohr G in Schmerz, in press
  • Recognition of emotional facial expressions and alexithymia in patients with chronic facial pain. von Piekartz H, Mohr H, Limbrecht K, Kessel H, Traue H. In Journal of Headache and Pain . submitted
  • Faciale and posture expression in basic emotions an pain. Von Piekartz https://www.hs-osnabrueck.de/prof-dr-harry-von-piekartz/


2. Orofacial dysfunction and pain, validation of clinical tests and their influence

Complaints of the orofacial system (mandiblemouth and facial organs) is an increasing problem in our society. Further, it is developing as an important domain in physiotherapy. The role of physiotherapy in this field has to be clearer defined and supported by evidence, but also the possible functional influence on other functions of the body, e.g. the cervical spine and also posture and balance has to further investigated


– Clinical research

Projects in this area are divided into 2 parts:

  1. Clinical research of the temporomandibular and facial region, clinical trials and treatments
  • Validation of test batteries for the temporomandibular region
  • Treatment of the orofacial region in various forms of headache
  • Validation of individual clinical tests, neurodynamic tests and cranial techniques2. Clinical research of the orofacial region and physiotherapy
  • Validation of test batteries for the craniomandibular region versus the craniocervical region
  • The inter-reliability and validation of the posture and movement control of the head, neck and facial region
  • The orofacial system and its influence on balance, motor control of the proximal
  • joint regions, such as shoulder and hip
  • Dental occlusion and its influence on posture and balance.
  • The influence of dental splint therapy on the cervical spine
  • Validation of clinical cervical tests in children

4. Zebris Research pap2




Curtin University (Australia)

Dr. Toby Hall PhD FACPm,

Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist

Adjunct Associate Professor (Curtin University)

Snr Teaching Fellow (The University of Western Australia)


Alberta University (Canada)

Dr. Susan Armijo-Olivo, PhD

Adjunct Professor-Research Associate

Research Center

3-62 Corbett Hall.

Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine.




Project financing

CRAFTA Research Gruppe

Wandalenweg 14-20, 20097 Hamburg

Own resources



  • Vorschlag für einen neurodynamischen Test des N. Mandibularis – Reliabilität und Referenzwerte, Manuelle Therapie 5, Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart- New York, 2001.
  • “The Journal Of Craniomandibular Practice”, Cranio Comments, VOL. 20, NO. 4.Oct. 2002.
  • Kraniofaziale Region – Einflüsse mechanischer Stimulation und Ihre Bedeutung für die Manuelle Therapie, Manuelle Therapie, Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart- New York, 2002.
  • Neuropathische Gesichtsschmerzen. Und was jetzt? ICCMO Kompendium, Int. Coll. of Cranio- Mand.-Orhopedic (ICCMO), Erlangen, Mai 2004.
  • Untersuchung und Behandlung des kranialen Nervengewebes – am Beispiel des N. Accessorius, Manuelle Therapie, Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, Dec. 2005.
  • The craniocervical and mandibular region from a Manual therapy perspective, Phd-Thesis, Staffordshire Univ.(UK), Harry J.M von Piekartz, June 2005.
  • Gesichtsschmerzen und der neurodynamische Test des N. mandibularis (Reliabilität und Referenzwerte), ZVK Journal, Harry J.M. von Piekartz, D. Doppelhofer., March 2007.
  • Neurodynamic responses in children with migraine and cervicogenic headache and a control group. A comparative study, von Piekartz, Schouten and Aufdemkampe, Manual therapy, Elsevier, Mai 2007.
  • Neurodynamic responses in children with migraine and cervicogenic headache and a control group. A comparative study, H. von Piekartz, Schouten and Aufdemkampe, Manual therapy, Elsevier, Mai 2008.
  • Neuromusculoskeletal Management of Parafunctional Activities a case control study, von Piekartz, Turp , Jpurnal of craniomandibular practice , June 3/ 2011
  • Kopfpositionsänderungen bei Kraniomandibulären Dysfunktionen (CMD) und ihre Messinstrumente. Stienhans, H. von Piekartz, Journal of Craniomandibular Function Januari (2009).
  • Ist Migraine immer Migraine? Neuromuskuloskeletale vs medikametöse Behandlung. M. Trouw, H. von Piekartz. Manuelle Therapie, Thieme, Oktober 2009
  • Neuromusculoskeletal Management of Parafunctional Activities, von Piekartz, Chapter in the book “Headache, Bruxism and Beyond”. Selvaratham (ed), Elsevier, Edinburgh (2009).
  • Kampf um den Kopf. Fallstudie -Analyse auf Grund von EBM. H. von Piekartz. Physiopraxis, Thieme, April 2009.
  • Manuelle Therapie der kraniozervikalen Region bei Säuglingen; Indikation oder Kontra-indikation? Eine Fallbeschreibung eines verstorbenen Säuglings nach manueller Behandlung der zervikalen Wirbelsäule. H. von Piekartz. Manuelle Therapie, Thieme, Oktober 2009.
  • A qualitative study on pain experiences and pain behavior in patients with chronic facial pain – a qualitative Study, Mohr G, von Piekartz H., Hotze E, Journal of craniomandibular function 2011;3(1):9–28.
  • Comparison of sonography and MRI in the case of intra-articular temporomandibular (TMJ) dysfunctions: a cross-sectional study. Starke W, von Piekartz H, Journal of craniomandibular function, 2011;(3)4.
  • Manual Therapy in the Cranium, von Piekartz H, Fernández de las Peñas C, in Multidisciplinary Management of Migraine. Fernández de las Peñas, Chiatow L,Schoenen(Ed.) Elsevier Oktober 2011.
  • Neuro-musculoskeletal assessment and management in Pediatric Migraine, Trouw M,von Piekartz H in Multidisciplinary Management of Migraine. Fernández de las Peñas, Chiatow L,Schoenen(Ed.) Elsevier in Print Oktober 2011.
  • Zervikale Kopfschmerzen , Assessment und Management Kapitel in Klinische Syndrome, Westerhuis P und Wiesner R. (edit) Thieme Verlag September 2011
  • Effect of Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) in Patients with Cervicogenic Headache: A Single-Blind, Randomized Controlled Study. von Piekartz H., Lüdke K, Journal of craniomandibular practice , Januar 2011.
  • Influence of different upper cervical positions on electromyography activity of themasticatory muscles, Ballenberger N, von Piekartz H, Paris-alemany A, Journal of Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), Mai 2012, Volume 35, Number 4.
  • Oculomotor Exercise in Whiplash-Associated Disorders Case Study, Luka K, von Piekartz, Manuelle Therapie Manuelle Therapie 2012; 16: 81–89.
  • Okuläre dysfunktionen bei Wad: Behandlungsmöglichkeitenund effekte neuromuskuloskelettaler therapie systematischer review, von Piekartz D, von Piekartz H, Hengeveld E , Manuelle Therapie 1/2012 . 16: 42-51.
  • Bewegungsverhalten des N. auriculotemporalis während physiologischer Bewegungen der Mandibula und Halswirbelsäule Eine Pilotstudie mittels sonographischer Diagnostik, Schroer M., von Piekartz ,Starke , Manuelle Therapie 4/12.
  • Einmalige manuelle Traktion bei Patienten mit kraniomandibulären, Schmitz A, von Piekartz H, Manuelle Therapie 2/2012; 16: 34-41.
  • Influence of craniomandibular dysfunction on the mechanical pain threshold outside the head and face region. A cross-sectional study, H. von Piekartz ,T. Heinrichs,L. Stelzer, Richter N. Ballenberger Manuelle Medizin 2014 · 52:420–426.
  • Are the Pathobiological Mechanisms of Cervicogenic Headache different from those in Migraine and tension Headache? A systematic review , Taxer ,P. Westerhuis ,H. von Piekartz
. Manuelle Therapie 18,134-143, 2014.
  • Ear pain following temporomandibular surgery originating from the temporomandibular joint or the cranial nervous tissue? A case report Geerse W, Von Piekartz H, Manual Therapyhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.math.2014.05.006.
  • Orofacial manual therapy improves cervical movement impairment associated with headache and features of temporomandibular dysfunction: A randomized controlled. Von Piekartz, Hall T. Manual Therapy Febr 2013.
  • Normal values of physiological movements in compare with children with secundary pediatric headache, Budermann K, von Piekartz H, Hall T. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy , 4/2013 .
  • Flexion/Rotation Test in children with neckpain. Is there a difference with a controlgroup. Budermann K, von Piekartz H, Hall T , Journal of European Pediatrics , April 2013.
  • Risiken der Physiotherapie von Behandlung von Babies. Von Piekartz H, Deutche Hebammen Zeitschrift 2/2013.
  • Physiotherapeutische Intervention bei Tinnitus. Eine systematische Literaturstudie. Hormes L, Stelzer L, Möller D, von Piekartz H , Zeitschrift für Physiotherapie 12/2013
  • Haben Kinder mit Migräne veränderte kraniozervikale–vestibuläre Qualitäten im Vergleich zu Kindern ohne Kopfschmerzen? Eine Querschnittstudie. Mönch-Tedler I ,von Piekartz H Manuelle Therapie 5/2013.
  • Influence of Passive Movements to the Cranium A systematic Literature review. L Krützkamp,D Möller,H von Piekartz , Manuelle Therapie 2014; 18: 183–192 (german).

  • Classification of cervical headache and how to interpretate in daily practice. von Piekartz. Manuelle Therapie 2014; 18: 159–165.
  • Temporomandibular Disorders: Neuromusculoskeletal Assessment and Management. Von Piekartz H. in Grieve’s Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, 4th Edition , Jull G, Moor A, Falla D,Lewis ,McCarthy C, Sterling M , 2015 , pg  345-356.
  • Is the Measurement of Resistance during Passive Movements a Reliable Assessment Tool? Systematic Review Von Piekartz H, T. Szikszay, Manuelle therapie 2015; 19(04): 167-179.
  • Normale Bewegungsfreiheit im Nacken mit Schmerz. was jetzt? Von Piekartz H, Zalpour C . Red Flags Erkennen. Physiopraxis September 2016.
  • International consensus on the most useful physical examination tests used by physiotherapists for patients with headache: A Delphi study Luedtke, K.; Boissonnault, W.; Caspersen, N.; Castien, R. ; Chaibi, A. ; Falla, D.; Fernández-de-las-Peñas, C.; Hall, T. ; Hirsvang, J.R.; Horre, T.; Hurley, D.; Jull, G.; Krøll, L.S. Madsen, B.K. ; Mallwitz, J. .; Miller, C.; Schäfer, B. ; Schöttker-Königer, T; Starke, W.; von Piekartz, H.; Watson , D.; Westerhuis, P.; May, A, Manual Therapy, February: 10.1016/j.math.2016.02.010.
  • Does altered mandibular position and dental occlusion influence upper cervical movement: A cross–sectional study in asymptomatic people , GrondnF, Hall T, von Piekartz H, Manual Therapy , in press 10.1016/j.math.2016.06.007.
  • Evidenz gebaseerde klinische interpretaties van temperomandibulare en cervicale disfuncties . Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Physiotherapie; von Piekartz H. Fysiopraxis 10/16.
  • Do subjects with acute/subacute temporomandibular disorder have associated cervical impairments. A cross-sectional study von Piekartz H, Pudelko A,Danzeisen M, Hall T , Ballenberger N, Manual Therapy 26 (2016) 208-215.




3. Analysis of human posture, balance and equilibrium

The analysis of human posture, balance, and equilibrium is one of the most difficult chapters in neuro-orthopedic diagnostics influenced by many factors like mental state, social status, age, sex, mental maturity and constitution.

Within the scope of various scientific study projects the lateral and frontal body profile, the analysis of the body’s center of gravity and its balance have been examined since 2012. For this purpose, the computer program “CRAFTA clinical photometry”, a digital pressure measuring plate (Zebris FDM) and 3D Sonorgrahie (Zebris) are implemented. Other measuring instruments, such as the Corpogprahie (Zebris) and thermocameras are integrated as well (http://www.zebris.de).

2. 3. Research 2 2 2

– Finished and ongoing projects

  • Posture and balance in healthy subjects as well as subjects with back pain
  • Posture and balance in healthy children and adolescents (as well as children with temporomandibular (jaw) problems), children and adolescents with scoliosis and migraine
  • Soccer players with or without groin pain
  • Achillodynia and posture/balance
  • The association between sternum and the thoracic spine curve in sagittal profile
  • Scoliosis and temperature changes in the extremities
  • Influence of mobilization and manipulation and temperature changes in the extremities




Curtin University (Australia)

Dr. Toby Hall PhD FACPM,

Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist

Adjunct Associate Professor (Curtin University)

Snr Teaching Fellow (The University of Western Australia)



Project financing

CRAFTA Research Gruppe

Wandalenweg 14-20, 20097 Hamburg

Own resources




  • Neurodynamic responses in children with migraine and cervicogenic headache and a control group. A comparative study, H. von Piekartz , Schouten and Aufdemkampe, Manual therapy, Elsevier, Mai 2007.
  • Kopfpositionsänderungen bei Kraniomandibulären Dysfunktionen (CMD) und ihre Messinstrumente. C. Stienhans, H. von Piekartz, Journal of Craniomandibular Function Januari (2009).
  • The influence of cranio-cervical posture on maximal mouth opening and pressure pain threshold in patients with myofascial temporomandibular pain disorders. La Touche R, París-Alemany A, von Piekartz H, Mannheimer JS, Fernández-Carnero J, Rocabado M. Clin J Pain. 2011 Jan;27(1):48-55.
  • Musculoskeletal Management of a Patient With a History of Chronic Ankle Sprains: Identifying Rupture of Peroneal Brevis and Peroneal Longus With Diagnostic D.Bruin H.von Piekartz, Journal of Chiropractic Medicine (2014) 13, 203–209.
  • Das Effekt von cervico-thoracale en thoracale Manipulaties aud Schmerzen und Dysfunktion von schouderimpingement. Eine Fall –kontrollierte Studie. Van Houten A, von Piekartz H, Hengeveld E Manuelle Therapie 4/2013.
  • Does altered mandibular position and dental occlusion influence upper cervical movement: A cross–sectional study in asymptomatic people , Grondin F, Hall T, von Piekartz H, Manual Therapy , in press 10.1016/j.math.2016.06.007.



4. Functional diagnosis and education by sonography in physiotherapy

Ultrasound is in many settings valid and reliable measuring instrument, which appears to be cost-effective. It is a non-invasive method that allows the user to create individual transverse and longitudinal sonograms by a transducer. It can easily be adapted to the individual individual anatomical.


– Clinical research

Peripheral nerves and fascial movements are analyzed and measured with a Cross –correlation after Dilley ( 2012).


– Projects since 2011

  • Movement analysis of peripheral nerves of the median nerve, sural nerve, auriculotemporal nerve, major occipital nerve in combination with other clinical tests
  • Sonographic motion analysis of the median nerve in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
  • Tibial nerve mobility in cruciate ligament injuries
  • Development of educational resources for the teaching of sonography for physiotherapists



GE Healthcare, Deutchland





Project financing
Own resources




  • Der N. suralis als beitragender Faktor für eine chronische Achillodynie – eine explorative Sonografie-Studie. Wilmes M, von Piekartz H,, Sportverl Sportschad 2010; 24: 212 – 217
  • Bewegungsverhalten des N. medianus bei Karpaltunnelsyndrom während physiologischer   Bewegungen der HWS, Schulter und Hand,Schleuter J, Bockrath I, von Piekartz H. , Zalpour C, Manuelle Therapie 2011; 15: 211 – 219
  • Bewegungsverhalten des N. auriculotemporalis während physiologischer Bewegungen der Mandibula und Halswirbelsäule Eine Pilotstudie mittels sonographischer Diagnostik, Schroer M., von Piekartz ,Starke , 2012,Manuelle Therapie 4/12
  • Sonography assessment of the median nerve during cervical lateral glide and lateral flexion. Is there a difference in neurodynamics of asymptomatic people? Brochwickz P, von Piekartz H, Zalpour C , Manual Therapy , 1/13 :17 : 123-129
  • Musculoskeletal Management of a Patient With a History of Chronic Ankle Sprains: Identifying Rupture of Peroneal Brevis and Peroneal Longus With Diagnostic Ultrasonography.D.Bruin H.von Piekartz , Journal of Chiropractic Medicine (2014) 13, 203–209
  • Ear pain following temporomandibular surgery originating from the temporomandibular joint or the cranial nervous tissue? A case report Geerse W, Von Piekartz H, Manual Therapyhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.math.2014.05.006
  • Lokal apparative traction oft he hand in chronic carpal tunnel syndome patients . A case control study. Physiotherapie , Grabow, E. Rahn, , C. Zalpour.,H. von Piekartz, Nov 2014
  • Do exercises with the Foam Roller have a short-term impact on the thoracolumbar fascia? – A randomized controlled trial, Griefhahn A, Oehlmann J, von Piekartz H, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies ,online July 2016



5. Internal research MusicPhysioAnalysis (MPA)

The main focus of the “MusicPhysioAnalysis” research center is to carry out a systematic, fundamental movement analysis of pathological patterns of movements among musicians with and without music-associated diseases using instrumental and manual assessment methods. It will focus on resources of existing and expanding infrastructure from two faculties of the University of Applied Science Osnabrück (i.e. Business and Social Sciences (WiSo) and Engineering Sciences and Computer Science (LUL)), the Institute of Music (IFM) and the Institute of Applied Physiotherapy and Osteopathy (INAPO).


– Clinical research

  • Development of a survey instrument for recordings of music-related diseases
  • Development of a standardized algorithm for the investigation, assessment of   possible further diagnostics and therapy
  • Training media applied in music physiology lessons at school (music teaching),music school and music college level and for self-study
  • Developent of a concept for health promotion and prevention from a physiotherapeutic perspective
  • Posture and movement control in singers

– Team

Prof. Dr. C Zalpour, Prof. Dr. H von Piekartz, Prof. Dr. N Ballenberger, Prof . Dr Karsten Morissen, Verw. Prof. D. Möller, H. Schemann, MSc PT, T Timpe, MSc. PT, Nadine Rensing BSc PT, E Wolf MSc Inf., Dr. B Ackermann (Sydney)

University of Sydney

  • B. Ackermann

Professoren Michael Schmoll und Hauko Wessel

Project Facial and posture expression during basic emotions and pain
This project starts in 2017 and is a cooperation between the University of Applied Science Osnabrück( Germany) and the University of Arts and theater dance faculty Arnhem( Netherlands)

Main research questions

  • Is there influence of facial basic emotions and body expression and vice versa?
  • What are natural patterns of the spine during basic emotions
  • Is there and which relation is there between dept of basic emotions and body expressions
  • What are qualities of face and body expression during pain ?

Teaser of the research

Color & Emotion and Body Expression …The Making of ( February 2018)
– prof. dr. Harry von Piekartz & drs. Sjoerd Schwibettus

Project financing

In house research project funding for 5 years (2014-2019) from the University of Applied Science Osnabrück.



Will be planned